K-TOWN Raiders "Early Years" Alumni 

Our next reunion opportunity will be to join the coming  "All Class" Reunion in Charlotte, N.C

June 25-28, 2020  

Postponed to June 24-27, 2021 due to COVID-19

Then:  Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1953-63

Now:  Charlotte, N.C. 2021

With no other "Early Years" reunions currently in the works, this looks like a good opportunity to get together again for some fun and friendship. See details below. 

After you have looked over the material, please go to:


and let others know if you might attend.  


You can then go to:


to see what others are thinking.

The official home page for the reunion is https://kaiserslauternamericanhighschool.com.  

This looks to be a big event with hundreds expected to attend.  It would be great to have a good showing from some of us trailblazers. As always, feel free to contact me with comments, questions or suggestions.

Cheers to all,

Kent Price, '58



Reunion Details






Here are some comments from the organizer, Jeff Jorgensen, in response to some questions I asked: 

PRICING - I know that our price is a bit more than your group is used to but it includes both group events, all the food for the events and the venue rentals (our group is so large, we had to take everything offiste).  It includes the rental of meeting space or suites for gathering as well as all of the supplies (badges, lanyards, photos, printing, banners, audio visual, photographer, dj for the dance, decorations and probably several other things that I am not remembering. Yes we will have areas that people can hang out in and people are definitely encouraged to bring whatever memorabilia they have.

 SWAG -  the swag bag has your lanyard and badge - necessary for entry into the events and USEFUL for identification of the RAIDER FAMILY all weekend long.  WE ENCOURAGE THE WEARING OF THE LANYARD/BADGE ALL WEEKENDPrevious SWAG bags have included:t-shirts, shot glasses, mugs, pens, USB drives, stickers, keychains, beach towels, golf towels, bottle openers, german beer coasters, posters, can/bottle coozies etc.  All of these pieces are usually cusomt imprinted to the reunion. As I said on the phone, we usually keep the contents a secret until the reunion.  The SWAG is included in the price of the registration.

REGISTRATION - Registration is currently at the early brid rate right now.  It will go up on 3/1/20.  The registration price includes everything; we opted NOT to do a pick and choose cafeteria type plan.  With 400+ people the record-keeping would be an absolute nightmare.

HOTELS - If there is interest, may I suggest that you gather the names of everybody who is interested and get me a list?  I will take the list and try to get that many rooms added into the room block at the same rate as the earlier blocks.  If somebody prefers not to wait, then I would suggest calling the hotels directly and giving them the dates and the KAISERSLAUTERN name to get them booked at hopefully a decent rate.




In order to foster contact among alumni we have posted on the website our entire contact list. It is password protected and we are emailing the password to all alumni on the list who have emails.  If you don't have an email but would like to see the list, please contact Kent for the password.

     Click here for contacts:


Please look over these lists.  Help us add alumni and fill in any missing information you may be able to provide.  Contact all those you know and encourage them to join us.

Note: If you would like to opt out of the contact list, please contact Kent


If you are interested....

Click HERE to see pictures of nine past reunions

as well as selected images from "back then"


Click on the years below to review postings for the following past reunions

2011 Salt Lake, 2013 Savannah, 2017 Charleston


Click HERE for some additional links of possible interest



If you have any questions, comments or information about the reunion, or if you can help us maintain our contact lists, please email or call 

Kent Price at:  khprice@aol.com  or 801-768-2608, or mobile 801-554-0015

Kent Price's home page | Kent's KAHS subpage | reunion info | links | alumni contact info