Epilogue for

The K-TOWN Raiders 

"Early Years" Alumni Reunion

April 14-17,2013 - Savannah, Georgia

Once again, we had a wonderful time reliving great experiences,

greeting old friends and making new ones.


We are leaving the following information on line so anyone 

can see how we planned for the reunion.  


Everything went as planned and we all came away with sweet memories.


Click HERE to review the previous (Salt Lake City) reunion.

Click HERE to find information on the 2015 (San Antonio) reunion.

Click HERE to go back to the main KAHS subpage.



The 2013 Savannah Reunion: 


Then:  Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1954

Now:   Inn at Ellis Square, Savannah, GA, April 2013


Reunion Basics

(who, what, when, where, why, how) 

Scroll down to see details and updates

Most recent update: 4/7/2013

Who:  The main group will be anyone who attended KAHS in the fifties and/or early sixties (roughly the first decade of the school's existence, 1953-1964) - plus guests.   [see note at bottom of page for info on a reunion for later years] 
What: A great reunion with lots of activities
When:   April 14, 15, 16, 17, 2013 (three nights)

The Inn at Ellis Square

201 W. Bay Street  (In the heart of Savannah's Historic District) 

Savannah, GA 31401 

     Tel: 912-236-4440

     Website: www.innatellissquare.com )

Why:  It will be a GREAT event, including 

-  Reminiscing and rekindling of old friendships and forging some new ones

-  Hospitality Room with snacks, drinks and memorabilia

-  Tuesday Night Banquet

LOTS to do and see in Savannah and surrounding area    


Call, write, or email Kent to register.    

  • See Costs and Registration section, below.

  • If you can't register now, please call, write or email indicating your probability of attending.

Reserve your hotel room (refundable up to 72 hours prior to check-in).  Don't do it on line or through the central reservation number.  Rather call 912-236-4440 Monday through Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm Eastern time.  Mention K-town Military Reunion for group price of $119 per night (for king or two double beds) or $152 (for a King Suite).  Note that the hotel has agreed to honor these rates for two days prior to and two days following our reunion.

Start planning your travel.  Check for deals.  The Savannah/HiltonHead airport (Identifier: "SAV") is served by American Eagle, Delta, United and U.S. Airways.  (See http://savannahairport.com/airlines/airlines/) For those of you who like Southwest, you can fly into Charleston, SC or Jacksonville FL - each about a two hour drive from Savannah.  You can also go to Atlanta, but that's about a 3 1/2 hour drive away. 

Call, write, or email your friends and classmates and invite them to join us.  Look over the Alumni Contact Info list to see who might be missing.

Start collecting pictures, albums, yearbooks and other memorabilia to bring with you.

Some Details

Costs and Registration

We think we have held the cost down to a bare minimum so it shouldn't be too much of a burden.  Here they are:

$15.00 per person to cover the hospitality room including snacks and drinks as well as publicity and other logistical costs.

$20.00 per person for the optional city tour on Monday morning (see schedule)

$35.00 per person for the banquet on Tuesday night.  This will include beverage, salad, dessert, gratuity and taxes.  Beer and/or wine, if desired, will be extra.

How to register:  

Please print and fill out a registration form 

  •   CLICK HERE for a registration form in .pdf format (Adobe Acrobat), or 

  •   CLICK HERE for a registration form in .doc format (Microsoft Word), or

  •   CLICK HERE for a registration form in .jpg format (Picture) 

Note:  If you cannot open the registration form or if you don't have a printer, simply put the following information on a sheet of paper and send it in with a check or credit card information.

Please include for yourself and any guests:
     - Name - First, Last, Former Last name (if different), Nickname in quotes (if applicable)
     - High School Graduation Year AND which years you actually attended KAHS.
     - Contact info - address, phones (home, cell, other), email address
     - Whether you and/or your guest(s) wish to go on the city tour ($20.00/person)
     - Whether you wish to attend the Tuesday Evening Banquet ($35.00/person)

You may also pay with VISA, MC, DISCOVER OR AMEX for $5.00 extra. 

Make any checks out to "K-town Reunion c/o Kent Price" and mail form to:

Kent Price, 2344 Valley Drive, Eagle Mountain, UT  84005 

Hospitality Room

We will have a very nice, large hospitality room with plenty of tables and chairs, snacks and drinks.  So please bring your yearbooks, photo albums, scrapbooks and other memorabilia.  There will be a copier, a scanner, a computer, and a video projector there so we can share pictures and other materials with each other.  UPDATE:  If you will want to get digital copies of pictures, you may wish to bring your own memory stick, writeable CD or other media.


Reunion Schedule - updated 4/7/2013 (updates in red, below)

Sunday, April 14, 2013 

Most of us will be arriving this day.  We'll try to have the Hospitality Room open from 3:00pm until the last stragglers go off to bed.

Monday, April 15, 2013

7:00am - 10:00am:  Complimentary Deluxe Continental Breakfast included in room charge

8:00am - 9:00am:  Hospitality room open 

9:00 - Monday kickoff meeting in Hospitality room

9:30am - 11:00am:  90 minute narrated city tour aboard Ogelthorpe Trolleys for those who signed up.  

Rest of the day:  Available for individual or small group sightseeing, eating, imbibing, enjoying the night life etc.  Hospitality room will be open from the conclusion of the tour (approximately 11:00am) for the rest of the day and evening.  Those who went on the tour will be able to ride the trolleys at no charge until 5:30pm.

Late evening:  Movie in Hospitality Room "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," an iconic Savannah movie from the book of the same name.  (Google the title for more information.)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

7:00am - 10:00am:  Complimentary Deluxe Continental Breakfast included in room charge

Hospitality room available and open all day until banquet time.  Everyone invited to come and go as they please.

8:30 am - Tuesday kickoff meeting in the Hospitality room

2:00pm:  Optional boat ride on the Savannah River (about $20).  We are not collecting for this in advance.   You can do this anytime on your own but if we get several together we may get a discount.  We can decide on this when we get to Savannah.

7:00pm - Our traditional banquet.  This will be held at The Lady and Son's restaurant located about one city block from our hotel.  (see www.ladyandsons.com

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Well, all good things come to an end.  Most will be leaving this day, but many may wish to stay on.  Don't forget, the hotel is honoring our discounted room rates for at least two days before and two days after our main dates.

Some things to do

Ride the trolley around the Historic District - All day trolley pass is included in the price of the Monday morning tour.  Second day pass available for just $6.00.

Stroll along the waterfront - soak up the atmosphere of an Old South river city.

Visit the "Mighty Eighth Air Force Museum" - located about a ten minute drive from the hotel.  The 8th Air Force was activated here in 1942.  (see www.mightyeighth.org)

Eat at the old PIRATES' HOUSE - "Since 1753, The Pirate's House has been welcoming visitors to Savannah with a bounty of delicious food and drink and rousing good times..." (see www.thepirateshouse.com

from Jack Smoot:  River street is a popular tourist hang out with places to visit, shop and eat.  The Bores Head is one of the oldest river dives in that area.  Good food, drink and atmosphere.  The scenes from original movie Cape Fear was filmed here.   .... I like and enjoy the Crab Shack, located on Tybee Island (Beach area).  This is a restaurant setting on a bigh pier on the savannahs behind the beach area.   Lots of local seafood their specialty.

from Rick Hounshell: One store you don't want to miss - River Street Sweets, 13 East River Street.  "You walk in and walk out 10 lbs. heavier."

Before, during or after your visit, you may wish to get a copy of the book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.  This has been made into a film which we plan to show at the reunion.

from Glen Eubanks: "Another book about Savannah: Delirium of the Brave by William C. Harris."

Countless other things to do and see (see www.visitsavannah.com). 


Contacts and Attendees

In order to foster contact among alumni we have now posted on the website our entire contact list as well as the probable list for those attending the reunion.  The lists are available in both .pdf and .xls formats.  The lists are password protected and we are emailing the password to all alumni on the list who have emails.  If you don't have an email, call Kent for the password.

     Click here for contacts:    


     and here for attendees (password NOT required):


http://www.kprice.com/kahs/2013attendees.xls (in Microsoft Excel format), or

http://www.kprice.com/kahs/2013attendees.pdf (in Adobe Acrobat format)


Please look over these lists.  Help us add alumni and fill in any missing information you may be able to provide.  Contact all those you know and encourage them to join us.

Note: If you would like to opt out of the contact list, please call Kent

Note about a different reunion

There will be a reunion in Dallas August 1-4, 2013 for KAHS alumni from the 1965-1975 years - the decade following ours.  Their website is


and their information can also be found on Facebook by searching for "ktown REunion 2013" (no hyphen in ktown).  

We also are on Facebook.  Search "K-Town Savannah Reunion 2013" (with the hyphen in K-Town).


If you have any questions, comments or information about the reunion, or if you can help us maintain our contact lists, please email or call Kent at:  khprice@aol.com  or 801-768-2608. 

KAHS Alumni Page | Kent Price's home page | Kent's KAHS subpage | reunion info | links | alumni contact info