The K-TOWN Raiders "Early Years"
Time for another FUN Reunion
August 15-18, 2019 - New Orleans !!
Then: Kaiserslautern, Germany, 1953-63
Now: New Orleans, LA, 2019
This year, we're going to join the much larger
Overseas Brats "HOMECOMING" event in New Orleans
They have told us that if we get enough participation, we will be able to have our own hospitality room and banquet tables. This promises to be a great event and we're hoping for a great turnout.
What to do:
1. Go to and get all the details. Sign up for whatever level of participation you like
2. Make your hotel reservation - Note: you can cancel up to 72 hours in advance with no penalty
3. Go to (you can click on the link) and tell us the probability of your coming. This is non binding but helps everyone know how many and who from our early group might make it.
In order to foster contact among alumni we have posted on the website our entire contact list. It is password protected and we are emailing the password to all alumni on the list who have emails. If you don't have an email but would like to see the list, please contact Kent for the password.
Click here for contacts:
Please look over these lists. Help us add alumni and fill in any missing information you may be able to provide. Contact all those you know and encourage them to join us.
Note: If you would like to opt out of the contact list, please contact Kent
If you are interested....
Click HERE to see pictures of nine past reunions
as well as selected images from "back then"
Click on the years below to review postings for the following past reunions
2011 Salt Lake, 2013 Savannah, 2017 Charleston
Click HERE for some additional links of possible interest
If you have any questions, comments or information about the reunion, or if you can help us maintain our contact lists, please email or call
Kent Price at: or 801-768-2608, or mobile 801-554-0015
Kent Price's home page | Kent's KAHS subpage | reunion info | links | alumni contact info