Welcome to Salt Lake City 

and to the 2011 K-Town Reunion of the "First Decade" alumni.

Here's what's hapnin':


Wednesday, May 18, 2011:  

Arrival anytime during the day or evening.  

Afternoon: Golfing for those interested. Contact Glen Hebert (254-742-6565 or for details and to sign up.  Glen & Joyce's son-in-law is the golf coach at the University of Utah and has offered to help with this outing. 

The hospitality room will be open from Noon on.

New !!!  We'll have a short kickoff mini-social at 5:30 pm in the hospitality room to get acquainted, discuss activities, talk about reunion logistics, etc.  We'll keep it brief so you can still plan some evening activities.  Or you can just hang around and socialize.

If you are not golfing, suggested nearby points of interest include: Family History Library (Genealogy), Historic Temple Square, Gateway Mall, Lion House.  See Activities link, below.

Evening:  Gather in informal groups of old and new friends and explore the night life of Salt Lake City.  We'll have a list of popular locales posted in the Hospitality Room..

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hospitality Room open all day

9:00 am - Bus tour of Salt Lake City and surrounding area.  We will have a professional guide who knows the city with its history and interesting stories.  You'll be able to see what you may want to visit later that day or on Friday.  

Afternoon and evening - On your own or in informal groups.  Possible activities/destinations: "This is the Place" Monument and Heritage Park, Kennecott Copper Mine, State Capitol.  See Activities link, below.

7:30 pm New !!!  We just found out that the Tabernacle Choir will have a short mini-concert on Thursday at 7:30, just prior to their normally scheduled 8:00 pm rehearsal.  At the end of the concert, you can elect to stay for the rehearsal or move on to other activities for the evening.  

8:00 - 9:30 pm: Tabernacle Choir Rehearsal.  Most visitors to Salt Lake City consider this to be a "must see" event. See description on the Activities link, below.  The rehearsal and the Sunday broadcast are  free and open to the public so no advance sign-up is necessary.  The Tabernacle is located about a 3 minute walk from the hotel.


Friday, May 20, 2011

8:30 -9:30am - "Who are these Mormons, anyway?"  As many of you know, the history of Salt Lake City and of Utah has long been associated with the history of the LDS, or Mormon, church.  With the recent - and now possibly future - candidacy of Mitt Romney, there has been renewed interest in this peculiar religion.  For those interested, Kent Price will give a brief overview of the church describing some of its history and a few basic beliefs.  This will be a non-proselyting, non-missionary oriented discussion focused mainly on answering questions.

Hospitality Room open all day.

During the day - Activities of your choice.  Some suggestions include: Hill Aerospace Museum, Park City, Snowbird Resort, The beautiful "Alpine Loop/Cascade Springs" Drive (weather and road conditions permitting).  See Activities link, below. 

7:00 pm - Our traditional Banquet with short program.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

This will be departure day for most.

We'll keep the hospitality room open until noon as long as desired.


Pre- and Post-Reunion:  

Feel free to come early or stay later to see more of the area's attractions.  The hotel will honor the Reunion Rate for adjacent days before and after the reunion.


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