Welcome to KPRICE.COM
Kent & Keena Price and family
This page is designed to be an index and launching pad to internet sites relating to our family, business and other interests.
Personal information is available from the contact link below. Or send an email to: khprice@aol.com.
(Alumni, friends, classmates and relatives, please see special group links at the end of this page.)
Personal and Family Information Click here for contact information Some background on us:
The Price Family Chronicles - A pictorial history (one picture per year) of our family via annual Christmas cards from 1967 through 2007. (This page is hosted by Krey; you should use the "back" button on your browser to return here.) For pictures from 2001 to present, see below.
Here are our recent Christmas Letters:
Christmas Letter for 2024 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version) Christmas Letter for 2023 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2022 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2021 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2020 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2019 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2018 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2017 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2016 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2015 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2014 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2013 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2012 (in .pdf format)
Christmas Letter for 2011 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2010 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2009 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2008 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2007 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2006 (in .pdf format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas letter for 2003 (in .html format) Hier klicken fuer die deutsche Ausgabe (the German version)
Christmas Letter for 2001 (in .pdf format)
Gingerbread Houses - A family tradtition through the years. (This page is hosted by Krey; you should use the "back" button on your browser to return here.) For yearly summaries and information about each of our children, see our Christmas letters (above) |
Business and Organizational Sites Price Aero Services - Flying from our back yard or from Cedar Valley Airport a couple of miles away, Kent has been giving a lot of instruction in Ultralight and Light Sport Aircraft - mainly powered parachutes. He still maintains his FAA commercial pilot's license and instructor rating but finds powered parachuting a lot more fun. Check out www.priceaero.com. He also serves as pro bono manager of the airport. Click HERE for airport info. Here's a fun link where our local TV station did a piece on Kent training a couple of gentlemen in pursuit of their "bucket list": http://goo.gl/dRjcy. Also see links below on Powered Paragliding and Powered Parachuting. Liberty Dialysis - For the last few years, Keena has been working here as an RN. She works about three days a week and is able to schedule time off for trips and other events. She is always inspired by the cheerfulness and determination of the patients who have such serious health problems. For details on the facility, click here. GearMaster International - Kent developed and patented this electronic instrument to help heavy duty truck drivers shift gears without grinding and without using the clutch. After a good run, demand for the Gearmaster has dropped off considerably now that most trucks are being manufactured with automatic transmissions. But you can still see it in action here: Click on www.gearmaster.com for more information and a video. Johnson Manufacturing Company - We sold the machining operations in 1995 but kept the corporation for things like the Gearmaster. For further information on Johnson, click on www.jomanco.com. Brigham Young University - www.byu.edu - Kent recently taught some more classes at the Marriott School of Management at BYU. See http://marriottschool.byu.edu Liquitek Enterprises, Inc. - In 2001, Kent joined Liquitek Enterpirses, Inc. as president of two of its subsidiaries and we moved to Utah where the company was headquartered. Unfortunately, the anticipated investment capital did not materialize and Liquitek had to divest itself of the two companies. One of them was Distech, Ltd., of Auckland, New Zealand. Kent misses the trips to New Zealand and the many friends he made there. Success Financial Group - Prior to accepting the new position at Liquitek, Kent was a stock broker, investment advisor, seminar instructor and vice president for this financial services company. Cedar Pass Ranch Homeowners Association - Kent completed two years on the board (one year as president) of our local homeowners' association: www.cedarpassranch.org. He still stays somewhat involved in an advisory capacity. ------------------------------------ For a little more detail and business history, click on the "Our years together" link at left.
Hobby and Miscellaneous Links (more coming) Powered Paragliding & Powered Parachuting
"The Racers" - Kent & Keena go NASCAR ! Fun & Humor (more coming) Some visuals & illusions:
Here are a couple of links to sites with collections of optical illusions:
Click here for special group/alumni pages:
Kaiserslautern American High School (KAHS) - 1956-58
University of Maryland, Munich Branch - 1958-60
South German Mission - 1962-64 - (Our ISP lost this page for awhile but it has been recovered.)
Members of BYU 40th Ward - 1964-67
BYU A Cappella Choir - 1964-67
Descendents of Charles William Price