Please let us know the probability of your attending our coming reunion on May 18, 19 and 20, 2011 in Salt Lake City
You can copy and paste this form into an email or you can print it.
E-mail to: or
Mail it to: Kent Price, 2344 Valley Drive, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005, or
Fax it to: 801-768-2607
Or call Kent at 801-768-2608 with any comments, questions or suggestions you may have.
First Name (include any nickname): _________________________________
Last Name at K-Town _________________________________
Current Last Name (if different): _________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Home Phone: ______________________
Cell Phone: _____________________
Other phone: ___________________
Preferred e-mail: ______________________________
Class Year (graduation) ______ What year(s) did you attend KAHS? __________
Probability of attending the reunion:
_____ Very High
_____ High
_____ About 50/50
_____ Low
_____ Very Low or None
I would be accompanied by ____ spouse and/or guest(s)
I would probably:
_____ Drive to Salt Lake and have a car while there
_____ Fly to Salt Lake and rent a car
_____ Fly to Salt Lake but not have a car while there
and would:
_____ Stay at the Plaza Hotel
_____ Have other accomodations
I would be interested in the following group activities
_____ Golf on Wednesday afternoon
_____ City tour of Salt Lake on Thursday Morning
_____ Tabernacle Choir rehearsal Thursday Evening
_____ Banquet on Friday Evening
PS: If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please check here: ____
PPS: Please add any thoughts, questions, comments or suggestions: