Welcome to Kent and Keena Price's subpage for


BYU 40th Ward - 1964-67

This page is intended as a resource for former members of the BYU 40th Ward during the years 1964-67 - and any others who may be interested - to renew memories and associations made during those years.


We may even try to get a reunion together.  Let me know if you have any thoughts.  We can use this site to collect email addresses and post information.


For those who may not know, Sister Brown passed away in October of 2000.  Bishop Brown's address is still:  

Bishop Glen Brown

899 N. 1260 East

Provo, UT  84604

Tel:  801-377-4900

He would love to hear from any former ward members.  


Let me know if you would like to see other information (such as email addresses) posted here.  Email me at khprice@aol.com .

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